Cecchetti International Classical Ballet Award 2022
The Cecchetti Society Trust was proud to support the Cecchetti International Classical Ballet Award inaugurated in 2022 to mark the Cecchetti Society Centenary year. The award is given by the delegates of CICB for ‘Outstanding International Contribution and Dedication’ – having benefitted all CICB member organisations, and the wider Cecchetti International community. The Trust supported the design and production of a medal featuring the CICB logo and a special presentation box.
The Trust was delighted that the first recipient was Sheila Kennedy. The award was given to acknowledge Sheila’s invaluable work on ‘Notes for a Dancer’ bringing the Cecchetti Method to so many Cecchetti teachers and dancers, and for her generous gifting of the book to CICB to enable funds raised from sales to be used to support the work of the organisation. The award also recognised that Sheila was instrumental in organising the inaugural CICB meeting in 1997 at Dunsmuir Lodge on Vancouver Island where Cecchetti International was born, and for her long standing support for CICB since that meeting.
Sheila’s outstanding lifelong contribution to the Cecchetti Method and to the CICB is explored in the CICB Centenary Lecture Series.
History of Cecchetti in Canada
The inaugural CICB Award ceremony took place on Sunday 1st May 2022 in Victoria BC, Canada. The medal was presented to Sheila by Canadian delegate Joyce Shietze on behalf of CICB and can be viewed with the link below.